Saturday, August 22, 2009

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The desk in the boudoir first '' explained John ``and go up to her bedroom afterwards. She kept her most important papers in a purple despatch-case which we must look through carefully. '' ``Yes '' said the lawyer ``it is quite possible that there may be a later will than the one in my possession. '' ``There is a later will. '' It was Poirot who spoke. ``What?'' John and the lawyer looked at him startled. ``Or rather '' pursued my friend imperturbably ``there was one. '' ``What do you mean -- there was one? Where is it now?'' ``Burnt!'' ``Burnt?'' ``Yes. See here. '' He took out the charred fragment we had found in the grate in Mrs. Inglethorp's room and handed it to the lawyer with a brief explanation of when and where he had found it. ``But possibly this is an old will?'' ``I.
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